Political signs have blown over, burnt up.

People are loving their neighbors!            

End of the World Fire Drill Movie Plot

Potential Sets & Scenes
World Wide Love Your Neighborhood Clean Ups
"Month of April"
Asheville, LA, Hawaii 
What have we learned from going through Helene and Back? 
The whole month of April, we’re doing neighborhood cleanups as we rebuild our beloved city.
Gather to hear your stories on what we’ve been through. Have you shared your story yet?
How can we better prepare for future disasters or potential wars?

Come on this epic journey into the Sound of Silence. This adventure will bring you new color, vision, and hope, Hurricanes of fire are forming around cities. Political signs have blown over and burnt up and people are loving their neighbors. Stepping into the eye of the storm there is healing, forgiveness, and unity for every tribe, tongue, and nation. A dance is being released in the land that brings justice and leads us into the unforced rhythms of grace. We come in and out of focus between time, fantasy & reality in search of  REVELATION. The "TRUTH" arrives like lightning in the skies.

Remember having tornado & fire drills to prepare in case of an emergency?  
Such situations create strong trauma bonds. Those who have "been to Helene & Back" together feel we have something to teach the world about the importance of coming through this storm together.

What have you learned through disasters & how can we better prepare?

Anyone can focalize a live show, event, or workshop, but must complete multiple challenges.

First Challenge: Get the word out in style. Suite up in costume & pass out flyers @ events, school, church, and online.

Second Challenge: Build movie sets & art installations with a hero theme. We're visiting neighborhoods in April for Spring Cleaning & to hear your hometown hero stories.

First Act: Organize or attend a ♥️ Your Neighborhood Spring Clean-up. We're bringing in reinforcements to help clean up, rebuild, hear your hero stories, struggles, and how we can continue to be there for one another.  Want to connect with all the movers & shakers who stepped up to the plate.   Asheville, LA, & Hawaii let's throw a party this world will never forget. 
Daily prayer walks are forming in the wake of the Helene, LA & Hawaii fires. This movement will spread like wildfire and each step is a prayer for peace. Start Walking today around your neighborhoods, city halls & capitols & invite them to come & play with us from 7-9 am, lunch, 5-7 pm, or whenever. 

Sound of Silence Circle at your city hall or capitol, at the above times. Hey World- wear a Costume or a Mask-- don't bring your phones to remain anonymous.  (Instructions for Silent Circles are at the bottom of the page).

Shanti Sena Gathering Of The Tribes 

Gathering of the Peacemakers
Asheville NC
Month of April 2025
Shanti Sena Gathering of the Tribes.  A trumpet call to all the peacemakers.  Blessed are the peacemakers for they will be called the children of God.  Seed Camp starts March 14. Coming together to make a stand against the abuse of law and power & right to peacefully assemble. Free camping in the National Forest and we need help scouting.

Let's Go Down To The River & Pray: Praying for the healing of our land & waters. Costume parade: Walk, Run, Ride from Asheville City Hall to the River on April 5, starting @ 10 am. 

Global Convergence with Sound of Silence Circles to Stop the Wars: This is a Spiritual Experiment where you circle up in your communities & share what you get in the silence. Come one come all. Everywhere all at once.

4/14 Hollyweird Thespianage Costume Parade:
This parade is for healing, forgiveness and to rid ourselves of shame. Meet up with friends by your favorite star for Sound of Silence Prayer Circles all around Hollywood. Let's see what gifts arise from the Silence together.

Come on this wild journey down some rabbit holes that could lead into some tunnels under the city into the Illuminati headquarters.  

HollyWeird Thespianage Walk of Shame Costume Parade 4/14. Meet up with friends by your favorite star for Sound of Silence Prayer Circles all around Hollywood. Let's see what we what gifts we get in the silence. This parade is for healing, forgiveness and to get ride ourselves of shame.

There are some bad actors on the world stage committing thespianage. Come on this wild journey down some rabbit holes that could lead into some tunnels under the city into the Illuminati headquarters.

4/20 Easter Sunday Jesus Freak Show & Forgiveness Festival. Skip church service and walk to your city hall or capitol for Sound of Silence Circles. No speakers or music. Come & listen to the Holy Spirit. Write down &. Share what you get in the silence.  What & who do you need forgiveness for? Turn around and into grace. We're remembering the body for revival, reformation & revolution. Every tribe tongue nation & denomination is invited. This is Nameless & Faceless.

Declaring April 21 International Mask & Skip Day. Memorials for all we lost relationships with & to COVID. We the people need to discuss how to handle future pandemics more healthily and need some worldwide therapy sessions with the Wonderful Counselor. Let's
 get ahead of this bird flu situation & medical tyranny. 

4/22 Earth Day Mudmen & Costume Parades happening everywhere all at once.  

Let's hit "RESET" again for the people. 

Mom & Pop Economic Forum; Uniting to wage economic warfare against Uncle Sham & the Multinational Man. "Hey, Duke Energy, Blackrock, Vanguard & State Street-- put up your dukes" Pat Benatar style. Corporate monopoly giants are about ready to fall.  Monolpolies are illegal.
We're hitting the RESET button again to battle the World Economic Forum's agenda. Have you heard that Hawaii, LA & Asheville are all sites for their Zero City projects?
Red & Blue Healing: Ask yourself if you've been weaponized against your neighbor because of their political affiliation. If the answer is yes then you've been psyopsed by the enemy. We need some big group hug action. Roundtables to build bridges between the great divide. Let's see what issues we can tackle together. Please only come if you have a heart to work and hear from people that you disagree with. 


Christmas Truce Game

Shall we play a game?
No-Man's Land There was a Christmas truce during WW1 & opposing forces put down their weapons & played a game of football. Huddle up for Silent Circles to stop the wars at your games. Who's going to help quarterback this movement?TheTheThe
The Peasants are Uniting to write a Whistleblower Bill & forming the Blackmail Bureau of Investigation (BBI). We need a safe place for whistleblowers and those being blackmailed to bring intelligence. We're trying to recruit investigative journalist "Whitney Webb" the author of One Nation Under Blackmail to lead the charge. The BBI is being built in honor of MLK & Dietrich Bon Hoffer, (watch trailer at the bottom of the page).

Whistleblower Apocalyptic Run: Asheville-DC. Walk, Run, & Ride up the Blue Ridge Parkway following Global Convergence. Help us write a Whistleblower Bill.  There will be many heats in this run to the Capitol.  There will be many heats and classes in this race to the capitol.  We're doing this Cannon Ball Run style.  Come Come buy yourself a decent clothing store.  

What A Long Strange trip!  We end up on Dead Tour with the Merry Pranksters & take the Electric Kool-Aid Acid test & get caught somewhere between the Dark and the Light.   It ends up that Ken Kessey was MK'd by the CIA. Kids on tour are swinging Jesus acid.  And end up getting a double dose of the Holy Ghost. They battle the Illuminati, Hells Angels, wrecking Crew & Nitrous mafia who are all fighting for control of the Dead lot & undercover feds with dreads are everywhere.

We had a nitrous therapy session with a woman named MK Ultra & when we came to at the 1968 DNC protesting the Vietnam War. We run into the Chicago 7 and they connect us with a whistleblower who has intel that the Mob infiltrated the FBI & CIA and was behind the assassinations of MLK & Kennedy.

Come on the Grateful Dead tour in Asheville NC the whole month of April. Shakedowns with free vending for artists & vendors all over the region. Bring cash because all the power is out and your credit cards don't work post-Helen. This is going on. the whole month of April. Come share your stories from Dead tour. All Jam Bands are invited to be in the movie. This wild ride ends up with an MK Ultra Party @ the CIA headquarters, in Langly. Were trying to find out if we were all Mk’d Come get your boogie on. You're either on or off the Bus.

There is a lot of conspiracy surrounding Hurricane Helene, Hawaii & LA fires that need to be investigated.  Were riding some rabbits down some crazy tunnels under LA.  Buckle up!!
World Press Freedom Day: Gather May 3, to evaluate press freedom around the world to defend media from attacks on their independence & to pay tribute to journalists who have lost their lives. Forming a Purple Media Group. Gather at your local library on your lunch hour & wear purple. Our paper will be distributed by the houseless and those in need. This will help protect them from harassment from law enforcement under the Freedom of Press.

International Firefighter's Day: Honor your local fire department on May 4, at 9:11 am & pm.

Workshops on Building a Co-Op Workshop & work Collectively!               
Everybody’s Bunker is a work, play, stay, co-op, concert venue with a shakedown for artists & vendors. Imagine an off-grid tiny house village with sleeping pods where we share our dreams. This movie set will be repurposed for future generations. 

Building Tiny House Eco Villages Worldwide starting in LA, Asheville & Hawaii. 

Give Mutual Aid directly to all artists, actors, businesses, individuals & volunteers affected by the natural disasters & actors wanting to be in this movie. These actors aren't being paid but raising support for this mission.
Please try & raise support so you can offer food, events & workshops for free. Not all businesses will be able to do this and that's ok. NEED GREEN ENERGY. There is no nation like a donation, no city like generosity, you gotta kick down so we can get down. Give directly to all in need.

In this movie the powers is still out & our credit card cards & phones dont work. Bring cash & tradeables to battle the digital dollar.  
Movie App Functions: Work, Play, Stay, Host & Post your events, and workshops with messaging among members. Listings: Mom & Pop businesses, churches,& nonprofits. Hospitality: includes driveways, parking lots, yards, spare bedrooms, homes, farms, communities, campgrounds & free camping sites in the National Forests.

Rideshares within and between cities & events. We need an Armada of schooly’s, tiny house's art cars, bikes, golf carts, ATVs, trailers, and trucks for clean up and parading around.

We will be exercising all of our constitutional rights: Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of the Press & our right to peacefully assemble.  There are no official leaders in this movement and therefore we won't be signing any permits.  All actions are peaceful & won't tolerate violence of any form.  All group actions will be done in the Sound of Silence.  If any violence breaks out, Stop, Drop & Holy Roll.  

Lights, Camera, Actions

Join the Resistance 

                            Nameless & Faceless

Get your prayer on!

To protect everyone's freedom & identity, we won’t initially collect contact info until we figure out how to do this safely. This is also why were dressing up in costume. Some countries don't have the freedom we do & even that's questionable. FYI we aren't an official organization & don't have a bank account.
Join the Resistance